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Speaking Out, our longest running program, is a volunteer speaker's bureau where members from every part of the LGBTQ+ community share their stories.

We have years of data supporting what we already know in our hearts, that Speaking Out changes lives and saves LGBTQ+ people from isolation and fear. Through this program, we are able to offer young people a safe place to ask questions and also diverse representations of what life can look like as an adult queer person. After each member shares a 5-15 minute story about their life as an LGBTQ+ person or ally, the audience members have 30+ minutes to ask questions.


These panels mostly occur in middle and high schools, but we occasionally hold panels in churches, college classes, healthcare facilities, and in partnership with other nonprofits. We're open to Speaking Out being a part of any group or event. 



What changes are you likely to make after this presentation?

"Come out to my parents."


"Find out what gender pronouns people would like."

What information did you hear that was new or helpful to you?

"I learned it was okay to be different. I also learned to always be an ally and be supportive."

What was the most meaningful thing you heard today?

“Just seeing others like me. I feel less alone.”


“I think it is great that we can openly talk about these issues and that people can share their experiences. It really helps create a better understanding.”


“The authenticity of the presentations has made me feel a lot more comfortable in my own skin.”

“At the moment I’ve been struggling with sexual orientation so seeing you has really made me feel really strong.”

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We hold in-person training session for new volunteers who would like to participate in Speaking Out panels. We offer a QTBIPOC (Queer, Trans, Indigenous, Black, and People of Color) and Spanish-accessible training. There will be Spanish translation available at the QTBIPOC training. Contact Chris Castañeda at for more information.


Training Opportunities in 2024:

August 20, 2024 - Youth Space, 3340 Mitchell Ln, Boulder CO 80301


October 22, 2024 - Youth Space, 3340 Mitchell Ln, Boulder CO 80301

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