Rocky Mountain Equality works to foster healthy relationships with our faith community. We have many open & affirming congregations in the area that welcome and celebrate LGBTQ+ community members. We are developing a list of open and affirming faith communities. This list is not exhaustive.
If you are a faith leader and would like to have your place
of worship added to this list, please email commsteam@rmequality.org.
Congregation Bonai Shalom
1527 Cherryvale Road
Boulder, Colorado 80303
(303) 442-6605
In Hebrew, Congregation Bonai Shalom (CBS), means ‘Builder of Peace.’ We are a diverse, multi-generational congregation that was founded in 1981 by just a few families who yearned for traditional observance and worship.
We strongly affirm the principle of inclusivity in all areas of Jewish life by welcoming all Jews, as full participants in the religious practices of our congregation. We welcome and strive to accommodate people of all abilities, and encourage all members of our community to participate.
Bonai Shalom believes that Torah is available and yearning to be encountered by all; regardless of ability, race, economic condition, ethnic origin, gender identity, sexual orientation, or life circumstance. We welcome interfaith families. We encourage our non-Jewish members to participate actively within our community’s religious, social, educational, and organizational life, including alternative practices in cases where tradition limits non-Jews’ involvement in religious rituals.
Congregation Har Hashem
3950 Baseline Road
Boulder, CO 80303
(303) 499-7077
All of us are created in the image of the Divine and carry a spark of divinity within us. If you're interested in Judaism, visit or call. If you've felt on the edge or outside of the Jewish community in the past, we'd like to change that. Let us know how we can help.
Our Vision
We are Congregation Har HaShem.
We create meaning in our lives…through Jewish practice.
We celebrate together and lift each other when we have fallen
גמילות חסדים – g’milut chasadim – acts of generosity and kindness -
We are inspired to realize our human potential
בצלם אלוהים – b’tzelem Elohim – in the image of the divine -
We work to make the world more just
צדק צדק תרדוף – tzedek, tzedek tirdof – justice, justice shall you pursue
Har HaShem welcomes everyone interested in Judaism. Our thriving community welcomes individuals of all religious backgrounds, races, ethnicities, gender identities and expressions, LGBTQ*, marital status, family structures, socioeconomic status, political affiliations, abilities, or ages.
Har HaShem aims to include individuals of any age who may temporarily or permanently move, hear, see, touch, think, learn, communicate, process stimuli, and/or experience emotions differently. Our Inclusion Committee actively reviews our programs, policies and procedures to improve accessibility for all. If you have questions or need an accommodation, please email inclusion@harhashem.org.
Congregation Nevei Kodesh
1925 Glenwood Drive
Boulder, CO 80304
(303) 443-4567
Congregation Nevei Kodesh is known for its creative, meaningful, and joyful embrace of the spiritual riches of the Jewish tradition. Situated at the foothills of the Rocky Mountains in beautiful Boulder, Colorado, we come together to seek an authentic, inclusive, and egalitarian expression of Jewish life in the 21st century.
Established in 1993, Nevei Kodesh is an extended family of people from diverse backgrounds, welcoming and affirming Jewish, interfaith, and multicultural families, singles, couples, seniors, Jews by choice, LGBTQ people, and participants in other spiritual traditions.
Boulder Mennonite Church
3910 Table Mesa Drive
Boulder, CO 80305
As a Christian community, called by Jesus to be inclusive, caring, and peace-minded, we affirm that people of any race, ethnic identity, gender identity, sexual orientation, ability, age, economic status or life situation are welcome to be in full participation in our congregation.
Cairn Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
1700 Stonehenge Drive
Lafayette, CO 80026
Who We Desire to Be: Our Vision
We are a vibrant, intergenerational community engaged in sharing God’s love and grace through daring, hands-on explorations of faith, service, justice and peace in our complex and evolving world.
What We Desire to Do: Our Mission
Community: We practice radical inclusion, create bold and honest relationships, and provide a space of sanctuary and compassion.
Spirituality: We honor and explore our human experience of “thin places” – those sacred spaces, times and places, where mystery and the human spirit touch.
Conversation: We engage in rigorous study and deep conversation to broaden our faith, know our tradition, and expand our commitment to justice and peace.
Generosity: We share our gifts for the well-being of the congregation and for ministries of service, justice and peace.
Justice: We advocate for and partner with marginalized people in our community and our world, with special focus on racial and economic equality, and the rights of children and youth, people with disabilities and the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender community.
Peace: We practice conflict management and reconciliation in our own lives and support peacemakers around the globe.
How We Desire to Live Together: Our Values
Inclusive: We understand and celebrate our multiple differences.
Creative: We are imaginative and innovative.
Collaborative: We create a shared ministry that welcomes the gifts of every person.
Sustainable: We limit negative impact and promote positive impact on the environment.
Respectful: We act and speak with civility and consideration.
Holistic: We respect the needs of body, mind and spirit.
Intergenerational We pay attention to integrating all ages – especially children, youth, and seniors – into all aspects of our ministry.
Christ the Servant Lutheran Church
506 Via Appia Way
Louisville, CO 80027
(303) 666-4655
Christ the Servant Lutheran Church has been proclaiming the Gospel of our Lord, Jesus Christ, since 1985. We are called to serve others as we minister to all who enter our doors, providing worship, prayer, fellowship and service to others. Our welcome knows no boundaries of age, race, ethnicity, culture, marital status, gender identity, sexual orientation, economic condition, physical or mental ability. We rejoice in the amazing diversity of God's creation, which enriches, nurtures, and expands our life and ministry. We are committed to continuously learning, teaching, and sharing our faith. Christ the Servant is a Reconciling in Christ Congregation.
Community United Church of Christ, Boulder
2650 Table Mesa Dr.
Boulder CO 80305
(303) 499-9119
At Community United Church of Christ, you are loved. Others may think you are not worthy of that love, but God put you here as you are. While others claiming to be people of faith have told you that how you identify or whom you love makes you a sinner, or an affront to God, we at Community United Church of Christ unwaveringly believe that God loves you just as you are and that God's love is why we are open and affirming!
As an Open and Affirming congregation, CUCC:
Welcomes all individuals: lesbian, gay, bisexual, heterosexual, queer or questioning, cisgender, asexual, pansexual, transgender, intersex, binary, non-binary, gender fluid, gender-queer, bigender, grayscale, cross dressers, third-gender, and sexual and gender identities yet to be known, named, or belonging to other cultures.
Welcomes all families: single parents, single people, couples, nuclear and blended families, families without children, extended and chosen families, polyamorous families, and families yet to be known or named.
And, perhaps most importantly, we welcome all questions: questions about gender, questions about sexuality, questions about identity and how identity influences our lives and communities. We welcome questions about the families we have and want, questions about what family means and how we create family.
No matter who you or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.
First Congressional United Church of Christ, Boulder
1128 Pine St.
Boulder, CO 80302
(303) 442-1787
Here all people are valued as beloved sons and daughters of God. We were the first “Open and Affirming” United Church of Christ in the state of Colorado, making our position public in 1987 with the adoption of our Open and Affirming Covenant. In the United Church of Christ the words “Open and Affirming” are used to designate churches that are open to gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender persons. Here all people are encouraged to share their gifts and talents in the life and leadership of our church.
First United Methodist Church of Boulder
1421 Spruce Street
Boulder, CO 80302
(303) 442-3770
First United Methodist Church of Boulder welcomes absolutely everyone! Since 1997, we've been a member church of the Reconciling Ministries Network, fully welcoming of LGBTQ persons and their loved ones.
Light of Christ, Ecumenical Catholic Community
1000 W 15th Ave.
Longmont, CO 80501
(located within Bethlehem Lutheran)
(303) 772-3785
We affirm the dignity of all human persons regardless of race, national origin, religious affiliation, gender, or sexual orientation. We strive for justice within the universal Church and the whole world. As a Community of Communities we follow the ancient wisdom of the Church as expressed in the words of St. Augustine, "in essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; in all things, charity."
Mount Calvary Lutheran Church
3485 Stanford Court
Boulder CO 80305
(720) 936-9873
Mount Calvary is a Receptive, Responsive, and Reconciling in Christ community of faith. We wish to make known our caring, concern, and welcome to all people, whatever their age, gender, race, sexual orientation, physical or mental capability, education or religious background, economic, marital or social status. We believe all individuals share the worth that comes from being uniquely created by God.
Pine Street Church
1237 Pine St.
Boulder, CO 80302
(303) 442-6530
Inspired by the radical hospitality of Jesus Christ, Pine Street Church welcomes all of God’s children into the life of the Church regardless of gender-identity, age, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, physical limitation, educational background, or economic situation. - Pine Street Church's Statement of Inclusion
St Mary Magdalene Episcopal Church
4775 Cambridge St
Boulder CO 80301
(303) 530-1421 - Office
(303) 530-7615 - Pastoral Emergencies
St. Mary Magdalene Episcopal Church (SMM) is a faith community guided by the basic tenets of Christ’s teaching: love God, love one another without conditions or judgment, serve the less fortunate, and be thoughtful stewards of God’s creation.
United Church of Christ, Longmont
1500 9th Ave
Longmont, CO 80501
(303) 776-4940
In keeping with the life and teachings of Christ Jesus, we joyfully and unconditionally welcome all people of any age, gender, gender identity, gender expression, race, culture, ability, or sexual orientation into our community of faith and affirm the worth of all people as unique individuals made in God's image. We are open to the special gifts that each person brings and invite each one to participate in the life of our church.
Boulder Valley Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
1241 Ceres Dr.
Lafayette, CO 80026
As part of our journey of being a "Welcoming Congregation" to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning +++ people, we have made this commitment: "We recognize that there is always something more to learn, and remain open to deepening our understanding about the lives of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer people". You may have noticed that we've added 'pronouns' to our regular introductions at the Fellowship. This is one of those learning moments. Today, we dive into how the 'pronouns' conversation stretches us and widens our welcome.
Unitarian Universalist Church of Boulder
5001 Pennsylvania Avenue
Boulder, CO 80303
(303) 494-0195
Each of us has worth and dignity, and that worth includes our gender and our sexuality. As Unitarian Universalists (UUs), we not only open our doors to people of all sexual orientations and gender identities, we value diversity of sexuality and gender and see it as a spiritual gift. We create inclusive religious communities and work for LGBTQ justice and equity as a core part of who we are. All of who you are is sacred. All of who you are is welcome.
Love is Love Sermons
Love is love is love. Open and affirming faith congregations in Boulder County in partnership with Rocky Mountain Equality are collaborating to offer a Sermon Series promoting God as love, and all love is of God. Each sermon will be different. Come and feed your soul and let God's grace pursue you. Each congregation will be celebrating according to their tradition. All sermons and congregations will honor and celebrate that love is love is love.
If you are giving a Love is Love sermon, please fill out this form so we can add you to our newsletter and RMEQ calendar.
To listen to Rev. Kelly Dignan’s Love is Love sermon from 1/20/19, click here.
Evergreen Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Evergreen
27772 Iris Drive
Evergreen, CO 80439
(303) 679-8798
We are Evergreen Christian Church, Disciples of Christ, a movement for wholeness in a fragmented world. We believe that God loves everyone, without exception or agenda. Join us as we continue our journey of being an inclusive, affirming, welcoming place for all people to experience God’s love. – ECC Mission Statement
Anyone who is seeking community and a spiritual home where they can be the authentic, divinely-inspired person God created them to be will find it at Evergreen Christian Church. We are an Open and Affirming congregation, welcoming all of God’s beloved children to the table as a reflection of the welcome that Jesus demonstrated throughout his ministry. When you join us for worship, you’ll find a caring group of people who truly want to know your name and your story, so that we can celebrate the you-ness that you bring to our beautiful space. ALL are welcomed and loved, and all of YOU is welcomed and loved.